March 11, 2024

What Does Cyber Safety Mean?

By Geraldine

Cyber safety refers both to the sense of being safe online, as well as protective practices which promote it. This includes actions such as using a password manager, setting 2-factor authentication on accounts, using virtual credit cards and not downloading apps from unknown sources; in addition to providing education about social media risks and email scams – in short preventing cyber attacks before they even happen!

Not only is cyber safety designed to safeguard individual data, it also safeguards digital systems that are increasingly essential to business operations. This is especially important for companies that deal with sensitive information like health or financial records or intellectual property; any cyber attack could do irreparable damage to reputation and lead to costly legal or compliance issues for the affected company, even potentially endangering lives should critical infrastructure be disrupted through an attack.

Modern businesses collect and store vast amounts of information in information systems, applications and websites, which often includes research data, sales figures, customer or employee records and more. With so much data being stored digitally – increasing its susceptibility to cyber attacks such as unauthorised access, disclosure or alteration by malware infected devices or computers or employees neglecting security procedures or disgruntled former employees with access to systems – businesses are vulnerable to security risks that include unauthorise access or alteration by third-parties gaining entry via malware or disgruntled former employees with access to systems gaining entry.

Financial gain has been the primary motivation for cyber attacks since 2015, accounting for 96% of cyber breaches. Attackers typically sell stolen credentials to make fraudulent transactions or steal identities; cyberattacks may also be motivated by politics, activism or espionage.

Cyber attacks can damage an individual’s privacy and confidence in a brand or service, leading to reduced user engagement and user retention. Therefore, many businesses prioritize online safety measures like setting strong passwords, encrypting data and multi-factor authentication; some even filter harmful or offensive content so their customers feel supported and safe.

Steps taken to protect cyber safety can protect you against numerous threats, from hackers who steal private information to cyberbullying and fake website scams. By becoming educated about these risks and following basic best practices you can stay secure when on the move, at home or work. A multi-platform privacy app such as MySudo may provide the necessary tools and protections against cyber attacks – discover more of this all-in-one tool equipped with real alternative phone numbers, email handles, virtual cards and 11 additional features here.